About Mindbugs

What are Mindbugs? Who has Mindbugs? How do Mindbugs hinder the effectiveness of teams? How do Mindbugs influence the diversity in your organization and thus the business results?

Diversity in leadership within organizations is a powerful competitive advantage. Diverse teams are more successful and they achieve better results than homogeneous teams. That has been scientifically proven. Why then does it take organizations so much effort to achieve diversity in leadership? Don’t we all choose the best people in our teams ?!

The answer is surprising. No, we don’t. Mind bugs make us not initially choose the best people, but have an unconscious preference for people who look like us.

Mindbug testing

Did you know that you make more than 100,000 decisions in per day? And that you don’t actually know about 95% of those decisions? These are decisions you make automatically. You take them based on the information and experiences stored in your brain.

Research shows that our decisions are often much less rational than we think. In many of our decisions, our subconscious is leading, without us knowing it and without even wanting to. However, diversity starts with the awareness of Mindbugs and thus the creation of diversity. For this we have developed mindbugtests.
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Scientific validation

The Implicit Association Test (IAT: Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) is a popular technique developed to measure the association between a target category (e.g., skin color, age, gender, etc.) and other characteristics, usually positive or negative adjectives. nouns (e.g. love / war, trust / distrust, leader / follower, etc.).

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“At work, Mindbugs play an important role. They block the creation of a truly diverse organization. And in doing so, they block decisions that lead to better results for your organization!”
Esther Mollema

For whom?

Everyone has to deal with Mindbugs to some extent. We not only have Mindbugs in the field of gender and leadership, but also in the field of skin color, names, age… Mindbugs are present throughout society and organizations.

Mindbugs affect a number of essential processes: selection, talent management, retention, brand reputation, innovation and knowing your customers.

Awareness of Mindbugs is therefore relevant for:

  • Management Boards
  • HR Managers
  • Diversity managers
  • Coaches
  • Teams
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You can apply the mindbugtests yourself, on an individual basis, in your organization. It is also possible to do these tests under the guidance of our mind bug experts. We work with teams, boards and boards of directors, including in the form of workshops, webinars, key notes ans courses.

Explore the possibilities!
Janssen Biologics
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