Kennis en inspiratie

Succes in Veelvoud (Success in Managing Diversity)

Esther Mollema is the author of the book Succes in Veelvoud. Diversity DIY for Leaders Wanting to Build High Performance Teams. Boek succes in veelvoud

Succes in Veelvoud‘ ‘Success in Diversity’ is the springboard to more diversity and truly better business results. Diversity. Strong teams. Everyone wants it, but it doesn’t always work. Esther Mollema shows where the hidden pitfalls are, and especially how it can be successful. Start today by making a difference with self-insight, guts and discipline.

This is what leaders say about ‘Succes in Veelvoud’:

“A convincing story that no leader – man or woman – can ignore. And then get to work together, because the Netherlands has been lagging behind in this area for far too long. Esther Mollema brilliantly summarizes how our own mind bugs structurally change this. continue to hold back and with which practical tools we can achieve a much stronger inclusive leadership. ”
Sonya Richardson, President Professional Women’s Network (PWN) Global

“Esther Mollema makes the non-negotiable about diversity and high performance at Schiphol Group open to discussion. This book is fun, light-hearted, you can almost hear Esther tell you (in her ‘stubborn’ way) and encourage managers to take actions to really improve their teams. to a higher level. ”
Jos Nijhuis, President and CEO Schiphol Group

“Innovation and diversity go hand in hand. A healthy organization wants both. This book helps every manager on their way. Practical, to-the-point and boldly written book. Expert Esther Mollema gets to the heart of the matter.”
Bert van der Els, CEO / Chairman of the Executive Board of Heijmans N.V.

“With her no-nonsense mentality, in-depth knowledge about diversity in relation to high performance organizations, Esther shows both men and women the power of diversity and Esther touches you, whether that is 1-on-1, in a group or with a book. I am always impressed by its impact. ”
Nicolette Loonen, Chairman of WIFS Women in Financial Services


Order ‘Succes in Veelvoud’ at

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