Remedying the effects of Mindbugs!

Direction offers different ways to get started with Mindbugs. Choose from these options:

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  • Webinar

We provide webinars on Diversity & Inclusion and Mindbugs for more and more organizations, from multinationals to foundations, from political parties to SMEs and from ministries to universities. The mindbugstest can be done beforehand and after the webinar the participants receive their own personal mind bugs report.

Although we strive for diversity, we may be our own pitfall. That is why anyone who wanted to take a test beforehand, which was approved by Harvard. As an organization from the world of science, we naturally thought that was important. “

Anneke Zijlstra – Strategy Consultant P&O NWO

  • Workshop

A workshop on recognizing and acknowledging Mindbugs is an awareness workshop that shows participants that people really act differently than they think. For example when it comes to assessing and selecting people. In this workshop of 2.5 hours on average, the participants experience and understand why diversity doesn’t work if you don’t work very hard and what you have to do to make it work. This workshop will discuss in which direction the solution should be sought. We form a joint picture of which steps must be taken within your organization.

Before the workshop, participants take the mindbugstest. After the workshop all participants receive their own personal report.

“The workshop on gender diversity is a concrete and well-founded training. Every manager should attend. ”
Paul Brinker, Group Finance, ING

You will get started under the guidance of one of our mind bug experts. This is a tailor-made variant in which the group results are given back on a team or organizational level. In this way, we make the situation clear and work on how we can remedy the effects of implicit biasEsther Mollema - Mindbugs Workshop, and improve diversity and inclusion.

The test indicates your personal unconscious preferences that can be used to form your own thoughts around Mindbugs on the one hand, and on the other hand to put together the right teams within organizations that promote diversity.

“You may think that you are objective, but certain observations are in your system, as it turned out during that workshop. Everyone has Mindbugs. The workshop showed how you think unconsciously.”

Pieter Jongstra – Former President of the Board of Management,  EY Netherlands

A workshop is possible for between six and 20 participants.  For larger groups a key note is more suitable.  contact us.

  • Esther Mollema mindbugsartikelKey Notes

Great for larger conferences or staff meetings. One of our mindbug experts inspires the audience and lets people experience what Mindbugs are.

“A convincing story that no leader – man or woman – can ignore. And then all of us got to work, because the Netherlands has been lagging far too long in this area. Esther Mollema brilliantly summarizes how our own mindbugs continue to structurally block this change and what practical tools we can use to achieve a much stronger inclusive leadership. ”

Sonya Richardson, President Professional Women’s Network (PWN) Global

  • Exclusive management board-sessions

Why does it take organizations so much effort to achieve diversity? Don’t we all choose the best people in our teams? The answer is surprising: No, we don’t. Our selective perception ensures that we do not initially choose the best people, but have an unconscious preference for people who look like themselves.

In order to make a real difference and to take targeted steps / to make a move towards more diversity within your organization, it is advisable as a first step to increase the commitment with the Management / Board of Directors as well as the MT members by means of a number of shorter, intensive sessions with Esther Mollema.

“Esther Mollema brought this sensitive subject in a compelling story which made acceptance easy and improved our diversity and performance at Schiphol Group.”
Jos Nijhuis, President and CEO Schiphol Group

For more information or any questions, contact op or call Robert Smit – 06-54.253.643.

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