Gender & Leadership

Gender & Leadership Mindbugs Test

Why are we unconsciously looking for like-minded people and are others less visible as a result? With this online test, we investigate whether both men and women have unconscious biases in the field of gender and leadership. This test measures how biased you are in your unconscious. Discover for yourself how you see leadership linked to men and women. And whether your unconscious preference is consistent with how you think about male and female leaders.

This gender & leadership mind bug test is based on research from Harvard University, McKinsey & Company and Direction. The mindbugstest Gender & LeadershipEsther Mollema - Mrs. Mindbugs gives you insight into how you choose, rationally and emotionally, men and women for leadership positions. The test challenges you to make quick choices and analyzes how you do this. It will take you eight minutes to complete the test. The test also shows whether your conscious and unconscious judgments match and what effect this has on your decisions. How do you score compared to the many thousands of participants who have already gone before you?

The test and the personal report is available in Dutch and English. The costs for an individual test and personal report are €45.  We offer workshops, webinars and key notes on mindbugs and the outcome of the mindbugstests in English and Dutch.

Contact us for more information!


You notice very well in the training that people think in traditional patterns. The test showed, for example, that I myself also have a slight preference for male leadership and that I also have prejudices about women who would not be able to drive.
Alma Krug, program manager diversity at Heijmans

Advantages of this mindbugstest

  • Based on research from Harvard University, McKinsey & Company and Direction
  • Individual results, but also team / department / organization results
  • Field tested and performed on more than 11,000 participants
  • Extensive and inspiring reporting
  • From insight to action through combination with workshop, webinar, training, lecture, etc.
  • User-friendly software Also possible as a do-it-your self solution for a larger organization

94.6 percent of managers say that men and women are just as competent as leaders give confidence that we should succeed together. But what makes it take so long for there to be true diversity – and why does it take so much effort?

Group test

mindbugs gender en leiderschap

You can also take the test with a team or organization. The group score is discussed in detail during the workshop and compared to the thousands of measurements we have already taken with other managers. The test gives you insight into your explicit and implicit preference. The test results are also sent digitally to the participants after the workshop / training / etc ..

“With her no-nonsense mentality, in-depth knowledge about diversity in relation to high performance organizations, Esther shows both men and women the power of diversity and Esther touches you, whether that is 1-on-1, in a group or with a book is. I am always impressed by its impact. ”

Nicolette Loonen, Member of the Supervisory Board at ABP

Contact us today about what we can do for your organization!
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