Skin Color & Trust

Skin & Color Mindbugs Test

The Skin color Mindbugstest measures unconscious bias with regard to skin color and trust.

Why are we unconsciously looking for like-minded people and are others less visible as a result? With this online test we investigate whether you unconsciously have prejudices in the field of skin color and confidence. This test measures how biased you are in your unconscious. Discover for yourself how you see leadership linked to people with a light versus dark skin color. And whether your unconscious preference is consistent with how you think about leaders.

This mindbugstest is based on research from Harvard University, McKinsey & Company and Direction. The Mindbugs Skin color and Trust test gives you insight into how to choose, rationally and unconsciously, people of different skin color for leadership positions. The test challenges you to make quick choices and analyzes how you do this. It will take you eight minutes to complete each test.

The test also shows whether your conscious and unconscious judgments match and what effect this has on your decisions. How do you score compared to the many participants who already preceded you?

huidskleur en vertrouwen mindbugs

Ethnic profiling, recruitment and selection, promotion … when does an unconscious preference for skin color play a role?

Diversity within organizations starts with the awareness of Mindbugs and thus the creation of diversity. For this we have developed the mindbugstest Skin Color & Trust.

The test and report is available in Dutch and English. The costs for an individual test (including reporting) are € 45. We can also provide the various working methods (workshop, webinar, lecture, training, etc.) based on the results in English and Dutch. In addition to individual tests and group reports for workshops, it is also possible to use our Mindbugstest independently.

Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you!

¹Source: Black and White: the role of color bias in Implicit Race Bias, Social Cognition, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006, pp.46-73

Janssen Biologics
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