Kennis en inspiratie

Animation: Unconscious Prejudice (in Dutch)

Whether you are an experienced manager or up and coming talent, whether you are white, colored, tall, short, introverted, outgoing, young, old, religious or non-religious: this video (in Dutch) is about you and how you can help your organization to get better results!

Did you know that you make more than 100,000 decisions in one day? And that you actually don’t know about 95% of those decisions? These are decisions you make automatically. You take them based on the information and experiences stored in your brain. And guess what? These decisions are not based on what is actually happening, but on what your brain thinks it is perceiving.

Your brain leads a life of its own… It is full of beliefs and therefore certain unconscious prejudices. For example, we are more negative about people who are less like us. And more positive about people who do look like us.
Are you thinking, “Not me!”? Then I can tell you: yes, also you. Because there is really no one in the world who does not have this kind of unconscious bias. It is not intent or unwillingness. It is the brain that makes connections without being asked, excludes things or puts things at the forefront. We call this Mindbugs.

Mindbugs play an important role at work. They block the creation of a truly diverse organization. And thus they block decisions that lead to better results for your organization!

An example. In recent years, more than 5000 managers worldwide have participated in Mindbugs tests. One of those tests focuses on gender and leadership: who is more suitable as a leader, a man or a woman? Beforehand, 94.6% of managers say that men and women are equally competent. And what does the test show…? More than 83% have an unconscious preference for a man as a leader. Only 17% unconsciously choose a woman!

So what people say doesn’t match their brain’s unconscious preference. There are set ‘structures’ and ‘patterns’. These must be broken because they block diversity in gender, origin and age.
It all starts with recognizing and acknowledging our Mindbugs.
Do you also want to know if you and your colleagues are “bothered” by Mindbugs?

Contact us today!
